Dalvina Hypnotized and Knocked Out FullHD 1080p

limp - 11524 DALVINA HYPNO KO.mp4

Dalvina is hanging with her guy friend, but she’s too oblivious to realize that he has romantic feelings for her. All she can do is talk on and on about how wonderful some guy named Brad is. She can’t talk about anything else. Her friend loses his patience with her and uses a combination of hypnosis and head-ko’s to change her mind about him.

Hypnotized and put into a trance by a swinging pocket watch.
Hit over the head while in a trance, and knocked out.
Limp body is played with while knocked out. Arms and legs lifted and dropped. Moved and placed into different positions, and observed from multiple angles.
Eyelids lifted while knocked out.
Bare feet inspected and played with.
Chants mantras in a trance while focused on the swinging watch.
Knocked out with a club (while in a trance) for a second time.
Dalvina’s limp body continues to be played with, this time on the bed.
Dalvina wakes up, but is knocked out with the club a third time before she can fully get up.
Hypnotized with the pocket watch for a third time. This time programmed to not be attracted to Brad any longer. She only wants to be with her friend now.
Stands in a trance, chanting her mantras while being played with.
Walks like a zombie while repeating her programming
Knocked out with the club for the fourth time, in the middle of walking like a zombie.
Use of the word “hypnotized”.
No nudity.

Format: mp4
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Duratio: 00:14:34
Size: 237 Mb

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