Mind Under Master Amara Romani, Lily Rader – Just a Taste Part 1 FullHD mp4 c4s

limp - 1250 Amara Romani Alex Blake Lily Rader Just a Taste p1.mp4

Amara’s head reeled from the pleasure. What had Lily done to her? How could anything feel this good? “What’s happening?” she asks as she falls into Lily’s lap a feeling a euphoria washing over her.

“I’m sorry,” Lily says “He made me do it.”

Amara and her girlfriend Alex were horrified for their friend Lily when she began to tell them about the past week. She used a ride service one night after work and the driver kept talking and talking, insisting she try the candy he leaves out for riders. Just wanting him to shut up already, Lily took one and it wasn’t long until her body felt amazing. She began touching herself in the backseat as he drove, barely paying attention to where he was taking her as she played with her dripping wet pussy. He told her how he isolated a chemical that could release all the pleasure centers in the brain all at once and that she was enjoying the benefits of his hard work, but soon the pangs of withdrawal began to hit her and that was when she realized he hadn’t taken her home.

Format: mp4
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Duratio: 00:22:00
Size: 1466 Mb

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