Poison Ivy – Batman Fucked Me FullHD 1080p

limp - 10888 Batman Fucked Me.mp4

Oh goodness, you’ve caught me, Bat man! What ever shall I do? You’re overcome by the overwhelming urge to have me, to taste me, to fuck me. Who am I to protest?

I’m always thinking 10 steps ahead, and I let you believe that this is what you want.

Plus… I’ve always wanted a piece of that Bat cock.

I act as if you’re conquering me, but the sparkle in my eyes says that I know what I’m doing.

Batman fucks Poison Ivy in multiple positions, letting out all of his frustrations with his nemesis and letting her absorb his essence. This is the perfect way for Ivy to extract the most power from this superhero, and he has no clue at all – he is blinded by her eroticism and charms.

Format: mp4
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Duratio: 00:10:38
Size: 454 Mb

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